Mom’s Ministry- February 18th at 6:30pm

All mom’s are welcome for a night of encouragement and fellowship at 6:30pm. We meet every third Tuesday of the month.

Women of the Word Class- Wednesday Nights from February 19th - April 16th at 6:30-8:00pm

This class is open to all women and meets weekly for 9 weeks. The purpose of the class is to equip women to know and appropriately apply the Bible with the goal of gaining tools to teach women’s Bible studies and disciple others one-on-one.

Click here to register. If you have any questions, please contact Morgan Grossman.

Grace Youth Winter Overnighter- February 28th at 7:30pm through March 1st at 1:00pm

Click here to register your teen for an overnight at Grace and tubing at Holiday Valley the next day! The cost is $40 per person.

Baby Dedication- March 2nd 9:30am

If you are interested in dedicating your child, please register here by 2/26.

Women’s Bible Study- March 4th at 6:30pm

First Tuesday of the Month- 6:30pm at The Haden’s Home in North Tonawanda

Upcoming meetings for 2025- March 4th, April 1st

Singing Class- March 6th at 7pm

Learn how to sing a song in harmony with others! Everyone is invited (14 years old+). Learn soprano, alto, tenor, or bass to a familiar hymn or praise song that we will be sining during the Sunday worship service.

Ladies Game Night- March 22nd at 6pm

Join us for a ladies game night at church! Bring your favorite games and an appetizer to share! This is a great opportunity to invite friends!


Every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 pm at Church- Grace Kids

Every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 pm at Church- Grace Youth

If you are a ministry leader needing your event to be announced, please fill out the following form.

If you have any questions, please email