Grace Youth meets on Wednesday Nights 6:30-8:00 PM at the Youth House, across the parking lot from the church.

Upcoming Events

02/26/25 Philippians 2:1-11

02/28/25 Winter Overnighter

03/05/25 Philippians 2:12-18

03/12/25 Philippians 2:19-30

03/19/25 Philippians 3:1-11

03/26/25 Event

04/02/25 Philippians 3:12-4:1

04/09/25 Philippians 4:10-23

Our youth group shares its mission with the broader church body: “to make more and better followers of Jesus.” We seek to come alongside parents in the shepherding, teaching, and discipling ministries entrusted to them (Deut. 6:7; Eph. 6:1-4) by providing a Christ-centered community where students can develop and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other. We seek to do this by committing to the following things:

Biblical Preaching and Teaching

As a church, we recognize that we stand upon the sufficiency, clarity, authority, and necessity of the Scriptures. Therefore, on Wednesdays, we gather as a youth group to feast on the Scriptures so students might be formed more into the image of Christ. We hope that by prioritizing the Scriptures, students will learn to love God’s Word and abide in it their entire life.

The Gospel

Because the Youth Group seeks to stand upon the Scriptures, we must be a ministry that stands by the Gospel. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation and growth in Christ for everyone who believes in Jesus. Therefore, the Gospel must stand at the center of everything we do as a youth ministry.

Christ-Centered Worship and Prayer

Worship is the goal of everything we do as a ministry. We seek “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever” by making much of Christ. Because of this, sung worship is an integral part of who we are and what we do together. In our sung worship, we seek to powerfully, intentionally, and creatively help students worship God through song by helping them see Christ more clearly.

And it is when we see Christ more clearly in worship, we ought to also see an invitation to have a relationship with the triune God through prayer. It is in Christ, through the power of the Spirit, that we have access to God in prayer, and so we seek to lead our youth group to participate in having a prayer-filled relationship with God.

God Glorifying Recreation

We believe that every part of our lives can and should be bringing glory to God. We want our youth to see how they can glorify God not just during a worship service, but also in the way we enjoy His creation together. This means we seek to have fun together on Wednesday nights and at special events throughout the year.

The Great Commission

The Gospel demands that we be people who die to ourselves and live to Christ. This means that we live for Christ’s renown rather than the glory of our own name. On top of this, Jesus Himself commanded His Church to go to the ends of the earth to make disciples of all nations. Therefore, the Youth Group is about God’s glory being made known locally and among the nations.

Core Groups

Core groups are volunteer-led small groups. These groups primarily meet on Wednesday nights to apply the Scriptures and fill the need for Gospel-centered community. God working through core groups for His glory drives our ministry forward. Our core group leaders faithfully and wonderfully lead these groups as they pour themselves out for the sake of the Gospel.

Mission Trips and Retreats

One key way that we seek to uphold these values is by going on mission trips and retreats together. Having these special events throughout the year provides more opportunities for students to invest more in their walks with God.

For more information, please contact CJ Grossman at